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Mais… Qu’est-ce que les visiteurs du site ont bien pu demander comme question-échantillon ?
- profond?
- gun suggest clouds ocean ocean
- Will Pauline be in love with me ?
- will I make love with another man soon?
- will I find a good job soon?
- Браво, мне кажется, это великолепная фраза (sic)
- am i marvelous ?
- Why me?
- Can I bring peace to the Middle East? (une question de monsieur Barack O. de Washington D.C.)
- Will we get laid tonight?
- Should Navarro continue? (une question de monsieur Roger H. de Paris)
- Do I have to buy my house ?
- asgaps?
- Is nicolas a good guy?
- Is thibaut a good guy?
- hop hop ja?
- chlip chlip ja?
- am i going to be rich?
- am i having a girl
- am i getting married
- Will I get the business at [un nom de société] ?
- is the meeting with NF still on
- Will I finally find a job
- Will I get rich with this job