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Les liens du : 8/9/2007

Les liens interessants (ou juste futiles) récoltes le 8/9/2007:

Fédéralismes enchevêtrés – Lalibre.be

tags : orangebleue2007

Belgium | Time to call it a day | Economist.com
Belgians need not feel too sad. Countries come and go. And perhaps a way can be found to keep the king, if he is still wanted.
tags : orangebleue2007 politics belgium

Melting ice cap triggering earthquakes | Environment | The Guardian
Plus prèèèèès de toiiiiiii mon dieuuuuuuuuuu : The Greenland ice cap is melting so quickly that it is triggering earthquakes as pieces of ice several cubic kilometres in size break off.
tags : environment global warming planete

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